Analyze Laravel code for upgrading PostgreSQL database version


Checking PHP Code and Laravel Migrations for PostgreSQL database version upgrade from 14 to 17 Compatibility

Upgrading your PostgreSQL database from version 14 to 17 is an excellent way to take advantage of new features and performance improvements. However, ensuring that your Laravel application’s PHP code and migrations are compatible with both versions is critical to a smooth upgrade process. This guide provides actionable steps and tools to help you analyze your codebase and detect potential compatibility issues.

1. PHPStan with Laravel Support

PHPStan is a powerful static analysis tool that can detect potential issues in your PHP code, including database-related code. To check your Laravel migrations and queries:

  1. Install PHPStan with the Laravel extension:
    composer require nunomaduro/larastan --dev
  2. Configure phpstan.neon:
     - ./vendor/nunomaduro/larastan/extension.neon
     level: max
       - app/
       - database/
  3. Run PHPStan to analyze your code:
    vendor/bin/phpstan analyse

This will highlight any potential issues, including database query problems, ensuring your code is robust across PostgreSQL versions.

2. Laravel IDE Helper

Laravel’s Query Builder and Eloquent ORM can obscure query generation. Install the Laravel IDE Helper to make static analysis tools more effective:

composer require --dev barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper
php artisan ide-helper:generate

This enhances tools like PHPStan by improving type hints and making it easier to catch potential query-related issues.

3. Database Query Validation with PHPUnit

Write tests to validate your database queries and migrations. PHPUnit allows you to simulate queries against your database and ensure compatibility. For example:

public function testQueryCompatibility()
    $result = DB::select('SELECT current_setting(\'server_version\')');

Run these tests in environments with PostgreSQL 14 and 17 to catch any incompatibilities.

4. SQL Compatibility Linter

For raw SQL queries in your migrations or code, use a PostgreSQL linter or validate directly against both database versions:

  1. Dump queries with Laravel’s migration pretend mode:
    php artisan migrate:status --pretend > queries.sql
  2. Test the SQL against both versions:
    psql -h localhost -d your_database -f queries.sql
  3. Use PostgreSQL’s EXPLAIN or EXPLAIN ANALYZE to check for performance issues or changes in query plans.

5. Laravel Pint

Use Laravel Pint to enforce clean coding standards in your migrations and database-related code:

composer require laravel/pint --dev

While Pint doesn’t directly check PostgreSQL compatibility, it ensures your code is clean and easier to review for potential issues.

6. Extensions and Modules Compatibility

If your application relies on PostgreSQL extensions like PostGIS, pg_trgm, or uuid-ossp, ensure they’re compatible with version 17. Run the following query to list installed extensions:

SELECT * FROM pg_available_extensions WHERE installed_version IS NOT NULL;

Check for updates or compatibility notes for each extension.

7. Custom PostgreSQL Checker Script

For custom raw SQL queries, test them explicitly against PostgreSQL 14 and 17:

php artisan migrate:status --pretend

Take the output and run it manually in both environments to ensure compatibility.

8. Database Compatibility Tools

Use PostgreSQL’s built-in tools to check schema compatibility:

  • Export your schema:
    pg_dump -s -h localhost -U your_user your_database > schema.sql
  • Test it against PostgreSQL 17:
    psql -d your_test_database -f schema.sql

9. Manual Query Validation

If you’re using raw SQL, validate specific queries manually:

  1. Check for deprecated data types:
    SELECT table_name, column_name, data_type
    FROM information_schema.columns
    WHERE data_type IN ('unknown', 'abstime', 'reltime', 'tinterval');
  2. Check for invalid object dependencies:
    SELECT conname, conrelid::regclass AS table_name
    FROM pg_constraint
    WHERE convalidated = false;

10. Test in a Staging Environment

Finally, deploy your Laravel application to a staging environment with PostgreSQL 17. Run comprehensive tests to ensure all queries, migrations, and application functionality work as expected.


To ensure your Laravel application’s PHP code and migrations are compatible with PostgreSQL 14 and 17:

  1. Use PHPStan with Laravel extensions for static analysis.
  2. Write PHPUnit tests to validate queries and migrations.
  3. Validate raw SQL using PostgreSQL’s tools.
  4. Test extensions and modules for compatibility.
  5. Deploy to a staging environment with PostgreSQL 17 for end-to-end testing.

By following these steps, you can confidently upgrade your PostgreSQL database and keep your Laravel application running smoothly.

Let me know your thoughts or if you have additional questions about any of these steps in the comments box below the post!