If you need to change current value of auto_increment for table you could use the following SQL query:
web development and system administration of Linux
If you need to change current value of auto_increment for table you could use the following SQL query:
If you need to find some commits by commit message text you could use the command below:
git log --all --grep='message text to search for'
I’ve completed Pimcore CMS Senior Developer Certification.
To downgrade composer to version 1 the following command should be used:
$ composer self-update --1
To make tar archive without .git folder or any other version control systems –exclude-vcs option can be used for tar.
Example tar command could be:
$ tar --exclude-vcs -cpjf ~/backup__no_vcs__$(date +'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M').tar.bz2 ./
To list all the files in a commit use command:
# git show commitId
To get a commitId use command:
# git log
Today, I have finally completed my first Pimcore Academy Certification.
I really like Pimcore CMS. It is really cool tool to build amazing websites and web applications.
To change the author or message of the last commit consider using the following commands:
# git commit --amend --author="Taras Shkodenko <taras@shkodenko.com>"
# git commit --amend -m "New Fixed Commit Message"
1. Generate SSH keys pair.
Use ssh-keygen command to generate SSH keys pair.
Example usage:
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "taras@shkodenko.com"
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/tarasius/.ssh/id_rsa):
2. Setup SSH key authorization.
To setup autorization by SSH key add contents of your public key
($HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub) to $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys file.
For example:
$ cat $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys
Or use command ssh-copy-id command like:
$ ssh-copy-id -i $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub tarasius@remote.server2.com
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any that are already installed
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: 1 key(s) remain to be installed -- if you are prompted now it is to install the new keys
tarasius@remote.server2.com's password:
3. Setup working copy Git repository.
$ cd $HOME/web/remote.server2.com
$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in $HOME/web/remote.server2.com/.git/
4. Setup bare Git repository.
$ cd
$ git init --bare remote2.git
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/tarasius/remote2.git/
5. Git web hook script.
$ cp -fvp /home/tarasius/remote2.git/hooks/post-update.sample /home/tarasius/remote2.git/hooks/post-update
$ vim /home/tarasius/remote2.git/hooks/post-update
# An example hook script to prepare a packed repository for use over
# dumb transports.
# To enable this hook, rename this file to "post-update".
# exec git update-server-info
export GIT_WORK_TREE=/home/tarasius/web/remote.server2.com/
export GIT_DIR=/home/tarasius/remote2.git/
/usr/bin/git checkout -f
6. Add remote origin
To view list or remote origins:
$ git remote -v
To add remote origin:
$ git remote add origin tarasius@remote.server2.com:/home/tarasius/remote2.git
7. To deploy changes
To deploy your changes push commit:
$ git push origin master
In this example:
/home/tarasius - example user home directory $HOME or ~
/home/tarasius/web/remote.server2.com/ - folder with application working copy
/home/tarasius/remote2.git/ - bare Git repository
remote.server2.com - host name of server with git repositories
MySQL has an amazing option called –defaults-file. It can be used to store credentials in configuration file as it shown in example below:
Make sure you did not store such configration files anywhere inside public_html accessible via HTTP or HTTPS on your website. It is real security breach. Do not do it. Consider to change –defaults-file ../some_secure_path_outside_www/.db1.my.cnf permissions as low as 600 only accessible to user to read/write it. Nobody other should have access to it. Store such files outside of any virtual host htdocs, www or public_html folders.
With such configation files you can skip authorization when using mysql, mysqldump commands.
Example commands are:
1. To make db backup you can run command like:
# mysqldump --defaults-file=../some_secure_path_outside_www/.db1.my.cnf db1 > db1.sql
2. To restore db from SQL dump file you can execute command below:
# mysql --defaults-file=../some_secure_path_outside_wwwpath/.db1.my.cnf db1 < db1.sql
You could also use my PHP cli scripts to generate such .cnf configuration files automatically from a popular CMS and frameworks at: https://github.com/podlom/get_mysql_db_php_from_cms
Example usage of command below:
# php get_create_my_cnf.php /home/taras/public_html >../some_secure_path_outside_www/.db1.my.cnf
Please, also look at documentation for more details: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/option-file-options.html