Node Version Manager for Node.JS

If you need to install particular version of Node.JS (for example 0.10.12) wonderful Node Version Manager package can be used.

Automatic installation

# curl | sh
# wget -qO- | sh

# nvm install v0.10.12
# nvm alias default 0.10.12
# node --version

Now, any Node.JS version can be installed and selected as default in system.

Install Node.JS with packages on CentOS, Fedora or any Redhat distros

I have started to develop using Node.JS on one of my projects.
To prepare Linux development server (on Fedora release 18 (Spherical Cow) as example) the following system packages has been installed (for my development purposes).
As root user:

# yum -y install 1:v8- http-parser-2.0-3.20121128gitcd01361.fc18.x86_64 1:libuv-0.10.18-1.fc18.x86_64 nodejs-0.10.21-1.fc18.x86_64 nodejs-packaging-4-1.fc18.noarch 1:libuv-devel-0.10.18-1.fc18.x86_64 http-parser-devel-2.0-3.20121128gitcd01361.fc18.x86_64 1:v8-devel- c-ares-devel-1.9.1-2.fc18.x86_64 nodejs-devel-0.10.21-1.fc18.x86_64 nodejs-inherits-2.0.0-4.fc18.noarch nodejs-hoek-0.9.1-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-boom-0.4.2-2.fc18.noarch nodejs-mkdirp-0.3.5-3.fc18.noarch nodejs-mime-1.2.11-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-graceful-fs-2.0.0-2.fc18.noarch nodejs-rimraf-2.2.2-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-fstream-0.1.24-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-cryptiles-0.2.2-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-sntp-0.2.4-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-hawk-1.0.0-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-block-stream-0.0.7-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-tar-0.1.18-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-aws-sign-0.3.0-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-qs-0.6.5-3.fc18.noarch nodejs-asn1-0.1.11-3.fc18.noarch nodejs-abbrev-1.0.4-6.fc18.noarch nodejs-nopt-2.1.2-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-tunnel-agent-0.3.0-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-semver-2.1.0-1.fc18.noarch 1:nodejs-cookie-jar-0.3.0-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-assert-plus-0.1.4-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-sigmund-1.0.0-5.fc18.noarch nodejs-osenv-0.0.3-5.fc18.noarch nodejs-which-1.0.5-8.fc18.noarch nodejs-node-uuid-1.4.1-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-lru-cache-2.3.0-3.fc18.noarch nodejs-minimatch-0.2.12-2.fc18.noarch nodejs-glob-3.2.6-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-ctype-0.5.3-3.fc18.noarch nodejs-http-signature-0.10.0-3.fc18.noarch nodejs-json-stringify-safe-5.0.0-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-oauth-sign-0.3.0-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-forever-agent-0.5.0-1.fc18.noarch gyp-0.1-0.10.1617svn.fc18.noarch nodejs-async-0.2.9-2.fc18.noarch nodejs-ansi-0.2.1-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-npmlog-0.0.4-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-delayed-stream-0.0.5-5.fc18.noarch nodejs-combined-stream-0.0.4-3.fc18.noarch nodejs-form-data-0.1.1-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-request-2.25.0-3.fc18.noarch node-gyp-0.10.6-2.fc18.noarch nodejs-proto-list-1.2.2-5.fc18.noarch nodejs-ini-1.1.0-3.fc18.noarch nodejs-config-chain-1.1.7-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-couch-login-0.1.18-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-archy-0.0.2-8.fc18.noarch nodejs-chownr-0.0.1-9.fc18.noarch nodejs-chmodr-0.1.0-4.fc18.noarch nodejs-inherits1-1.0.0-11.fc18.noarch nodejs-slide-1.1.5-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-fstream-ignore-0.0.7-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-once-1.1.1-5.fc18.noarch nodejs-mute-stream-0.0.4-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-read-1.0.5-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-promzard-0.2.0-6.fc18.noarch nodejs-github-url-from-git-1.1.1-2.fc18.noarch nodejs-normalize-package-data-0.2.1-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-read-package-json-1.1.3-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-retry-0.6.0-5.fc18.noarch nodejs-npm-registry-client-0.2.28-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-read-installed-0.2.4-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-init-package-json-0.0.10-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-npmconf-0.1.2-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-fstream-npm-0.1.5-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-uid-number-0.0.3-7.fc18.noarch nodejs-opener-1.3.0-7.fc18.noarch nodejs-lockfile-0.4.2-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-npm-user-validate-0.0.3-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-child-process-close-0.1.1-2.fc18.noarch nodejs-editor-0.0.4-2.fc18.noarch nodejs-sha-1.2.1-1.fc18.noarch nodejs-cmd-shim-1.1.0-3.fc18.noarch npm-1.3.6-4.fc18.noarch libicu-devel-49.1.1-12.fc18.x86_64

As web developer user:

# cd /var/www/vhosts/nodejs_app/
# npm install node-stringprep
# whereis node
node: /bin/node /usr/bin/node /usr/include/node /usr/share/node /usr/share/man/man1/node.1.gz

To run Node.JS application:

# /usr/bin/node www/app.js

How to find out Magento version if only files backup available

If you wish to find out Magento version and only files backup available check file app/Mage.php function getVersionInfo()

     * Gets the detailed Magento version information
     * @link
     * @return array
    public static function getVersionInfo()
        return array(
            'major'     => '1',
            'minor'     => '4',
            'revision'  => '0',
            'patch'     => '1',
            'stability' => '',
            'number'    => '',

bind named error: zone NS has no address records A or AAAA

Today I have found bind named error on one of my Linux servers in main server log file /var/log/messages

Aug 12 19:39:53 shkodenko named: zone NS '' has no address records (A or AAAA)
Aug 12 19:39:53 shkodenko named: zone not loaded due to errors.
Aug 12 19:39:53 shkodenko named: _default/ bad zone

Command to start bind named service:

# /sbin/service named start

has failed with errors listed above.

To fix this error I have added NS and A records to zone file /var/named/chroot/var/               IN NS            IN A

Also, I have changed zone serial number.
I have started bind named service using command:

# /sbin/service named start

Error messages has disappeared.

PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of M bytes exhausted (tried to allocate N bytes) in

To fix PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of M bytes exhausted (tried to allocate N bytes) in /path/to/file.php PHP configuration parameter memory_limit should be changed respectively.

If PHP is runned as module (web server Apache). It can be done in .htaccess configuration file:

# PHP 5, Apache 1 and 2.
<IfModule mod_php5.c>
php_value memory_limit 128M

where 128M – is desired increased value.

Web server Apache should be restarted to apply new configuration parameter using command:

# /sbin/service httpd graceful

PHP values and flags can be customized in .htaccess only if no php_admin_flag or php_admin_value directives are set on virtual host configuration level.

If PHP is runned as CGI (FastCGI) php.ini configuration directive should be changed with desired value.

Fail2ban configuration for ProFTPd with Plesk on RHEL CentOS Fedora Redhat-based Linux

I am using the following fail2ban configuration for ProFTPd with Plesk on RHEL CentOS Fedora Redhat-based Linux (because default one is not working for me properly).

File /etc/fail2ban/jail.local or /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf if you have not installed fail2ban using yum package manager which will overwrite your custom configuration files each time you update the package.


enabled  = true
filter   = proftpd
action   = iptables[name=ProFTPD, port=ftp, protocol=tcp]
logpath  = /var/log/secure
maxretry = 7

Filter configuration file: /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/proftpd.conf

# Fail2Ban configuration file
# Author: Yaroslav Halchenko
# $Revision: 728 $


# Option: failregex
# Notes.: regex to match the password failures messages in the logfile. The
#          host must be matched by a group named "host". The tag "<HOST>" can
#          be used for standard IP/hostname matching and is only an alias for
#          (?:::f{4,6}:)?(?P<host>[\w\-.^_]+)
# Values: TEXT
# failregex = \(\S+\[<HOST>\]\)[: -]+ USER \S+: no such user found from \S+ \[\S+\] to \S+:\S+$
#             \(\S+\[<HOST>\]\)[: -]+ USER \S+ \(Login failed\): Incorrect password\.$
#             \(\S+\[<HOST>\]\)[: -]+ SECURITY VIOLATION: \S+ login attempted\.$
#             \(\S+\[<HOST>\]\)[: -]+ Maximum login attempts \(\d+\) exceeded$
# default failregex does not work @see

failregex = ^(.)+proftpd(.)+\[<HOST>\](.)*no such user found from (.)* to (.)*$
            ^(.)+proftpd(.)+\[<HOST>\](.)*USER(.)*Login failed(.)*Incorrect password(.)*$
            ^(.)+proftpd(.)+\[<HOST>\](.)*SECURITY VIOLATION:(.)*login attempted(.)*$
            ^(.)+proftpd(.)+\[<HOST>\](.)*Maximum login attempts(.)*exceeded(.)*$

# Option:  ignoreregex
# Notes.:  regex to ignore. If this regex matches, the line is ignored.
# Values:  TEXT
ignoreregex =

To check new ban regex use command:

# /usr/bin/fail2ban-regex /var/log/secure /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/proftpd.conf

Restarted fail2ban using command:

# /sbin/service fail2ban restart

Reconfigure vhost in Plesk 10.4.4 add custom web server configuration file

Plesk Control Panel version 10.4.4 does not allow to create aliases for subdomains.

To fix it I have created two custom configuration files:

[root@shkodenko ~]# more /var/www/vhosts/*conf
[root@shkodenko ~]#

and reconfigured subdomain using command:

[root@shkodenko ~]# /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/httpdmng --reconfigure-domain

I have checked web server Apache configuration

[root@shkodenko ~]# /sbin/service httpd configtest

and restarted it:

[root@shkodenko ~]# /sbin/service httpd graceful

PHP Warning: Unknown: Input variables exceeded 1000. To increase the limit change max_input_vars in php.ini. in Unknown on line 0

To fix error message:

PHP Warning: Unknown: Input variables exceeded 1000. To increase the limit change max_input_vars in php.ini. in Unknown on line 0

Change/add PHP ini configuration directive max_input_vars default value in main configuration file /etc/php.ini and restart web server Apache using command:

# /sbin/service httpd graceful