Linux FTP ProFtpd server configuration: enable display hidden files

I have been working with some Linux servers with Plesk control panel. By default ProFtpd FTP server is configured to not display hidden files.

To fix this edit ProFtpd main configuration file /etc/proftpd.conf add line below:
ListOptions “-a”
inside <Global> </Global> section.

Check ProFtpd configuration using command:

# proftpd -t6

Checking syntax of configuration file
Syntax check complete.

Restart service.

1. If your ProFTPD server installed as part of xinetd:

# /sbin/service xinetd restart

Stopping xinetd: [ OK ]
Starting xinetd: [ OK ]

2. If your ProFTPD server installed as standard Linux service:

# /sbin/service proftpd restart


# /etc/init.d proftpd restart

Linux: check system, PHP and MySQL date and time

Sometimes it can be useful to verify if system, PHP and MySQL date and time is synced.
I am using this set of commands to check:

# date ; php -r "echo date('r').PHP_EOL;" ; mysql -e "SELECT NOW();"

Also, it can be useful to check the same information on remote server without logging in to it. It can be done using the same above set of commands plus ssh utility:

ssh 'date ; php -r "echo date(\"r\").PHP_EOL;" ; mysql -e "SELECT NOW();"'

Linux: how to kill hanged process

Sometimes, when I am working on Linux, some programs are hanging system, so further work is impossible.
I am using this set of commands to find out PID and other data of hanged process in good readable format (KeePass as example):

$ ps aux |head -n 1; ps aux |grep -v grep |grep -i pass
1000 29015 13.1 0.2 824732 40408 ? Sl 14:56 0:02 /usr/bin/mono /usr/bin/KeePass/KeePass.exe

Using this command below to terminated hanged process:

$ kill -s 9 29015

Do you have something to say more on this subject?

MySQL error: failed to connect to server on ‘’ (113)

Sometimes using MySQL Workbench I am getting this kind of errors:

Failed to Connect to MySQL at with user db_user
Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘’ (113)

To fix it add configuration directive:
skip_name_resolve = off
to main MySQL configuration file /etc/my.cnf using your favorite text editor (mine is Vim).
to section [mysqld]
and restart MySQL server using command as root:

# /etc/init.d/mysqld restart

General transfer Magento website procedure in Linux

My general transfer Magento website on Linux procedure

1. Export MySQL database to SQL dump to file using phpMyAdmin or mysql command-line:
mysqldump -h localhost -u db_user -p db_name > ./db_name.sql
…or any other utility.
MySQL database host, name, user and password can be found in file ./app/etc/local.xml

Example section with db settings:
<initStatements><![CDATA[SET NAMES utf8]]></initStatements>

2. If you transfer Magento from one domain ( to another ( replace all matches in SQL dump file using vim:




or using Perl, sed or any other utility.
I am prefering to make SHA1 checksum using command:
sha1sum -b ./db_name.sql
and archive it after each replace:
tar cpjf ./db_name.sql-N.tar.bz2 ./db_name.sql
for each saved sql file version.
Do not forget to replace both www. and without www. domain name versions.

3. Make all files backup.
For example:
cd /var/www/vhosts/
tar cpjf /var/www/vhosts/ ./ –exclude ./var/cache –exclude ./var/reports

4. Copy backup to new server using scp (ssh secure copy):
scp /var/www/vhosts/
or lftp (via plain ftp):
lftp -e ‘put -a -O / /var/www/vhosts/; bye;’ -u domain2,ftp_password
or any other FTP client.

5. Restore files from backup:
cd /home/user2/public_html/
tar xjf /home/user2/ ./
mkidr -pv ./var/cache
mkidr -pv ./var/reports
Make both ./var/cache and ./var/reports writable for web server user e.g. apache or nobody using chmod.

6. Restore MySQL database from file:
mysql -h localhost -u db_user -p db_name < ./db_name.sql 7. Change Magento settings in file ./app/etc/local.xml suitable for new server. 8. Do not forget to check all custom .htaccess rules (custom php_value, rewrite rules, password protection, etc.) to match paths and server configuration at new server. 9. If you go from dev to production do not forget to check ./robots.txt file: User-agent: * Disallow: / --->
User-agent: *
Allow: /
and vise versa.

Do you have any thoughts about this subject?

Linux: how to find files changed in dates range

Working in Linux you need to find files changed in dates range.
To find these files I am using set of commands below:

1. Create file stamp with date range begin:

$ touch –date "2012-11-01" ~/tmp/2012-11-01.txt

2. Create file stamp with date range end:

$ touch –date "2012-11-10" ~/tmp/2012-11-10.txt

3. Find all files in user home directory changed in dates range:

$ find ~ -type f -newer ~/tmp/2012-11-01.txt -not -newer ~/tmp/2012-11-10.txt