Git – copy few branches from old repository to a new one

Sometimes, then you need to transfer few Git branches from existing repository to a new one you could run the following commands:

git clone --no-checkout [New Git Repository URL] new-repo-folder

This command will create a new folder new-repo-folder with a .git folder inside, but without any files from branches.

Change to the repository folder:

cd new-repo-folder

Adding the necessary branches: Now you need to do “remote tracking” for the desired branches. You could do it using commands below:

git remote add old-origin [Original Git Repository URL]

git fetch old-origin dev:dev
git fetch old-origin stage:stage
git fetch old-origin prod:prod

This will add the dev, stage, and prod branches from the original repository to your local copy.

Check: Verify that you now have only these three branches.

git branch -l

In case if you have also have copied Git tags use the command below:

git tag -l

to list all Git tags.

To remove all local tags use the command below:

git tag -l | xargs git tag -d

To push all branches to remote use the following command:

git push origin --all

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Are you a PHP enthusiast, developer, or just curious about the world of PHP? Look no further! We’re thrilled to introduce the brand-new Telegram channel, PHP Dinos.

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  • PHP tips and tricks.
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Whether you’re a seasoned PHP developer or just starting your PHP journey, PHP Dinos is your go-to destination for all things PHP-related. Let’s come together to explore, learn, and share our passion for PHP programming.
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Bulk files rename shell script for Linux

If you need to make a bulk files rename on Linux you could use the following Bash Shell script:


# Specify the directory where the files are located

# Change to the directory
cd "$directory"

# Iterate over the files matching the pattern and rename them
for file in [0-9]*.mp4; do
    new_filename=$(echo "$file" | sed -E "s/^([0-9]+)\.mp4$/_name-prefix-\1.mp4/")
    mv -v "$file" "$new_filename"

Just replace directory variable value to an actual path to folder with *.mp4 files on your system.

Replace _name-prefix- with a desired file names prefix.

You could use the following Gist: with bulk mp4 files rename shell script.

Check out Video tutorial on how to Bulk files rename in a bash shell script for Linux.

Generate .htaccess config file using tee shell command

If you are using Docker setup for Yii2 Advanced application template to build REST API as I do, you could be interested in the command below:

tee /app/api/web/.htaccess <<EOF
RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d

RewriteRule . index.php

it is generating .htaccess configuration file for Apache web server to redirect all requests from not existing files or directories to index.php file in API web application inside Docker container.

Multiple lines below starting < and closing EOF are the configuration file content. Such multiple lines syntax is called heredoc. You could choose any other identifier (one word in upper case letters) instead of EOF if you want.

Web server Apache Mod_rewrite module should be installed and enabled to make it work.

Docker network declared as external could not be found

I’ve faced the following error running CoreShop 3.0.2 demo in a Docker running command:

docker-compose up -d

I’ve got the following error:

network cors_dev declared as external, but could not be found

To fix it run the commands below:

docker network create "cors_dev"
docker-compose up -d

I hope this will save several minutes of your time.

Error 500: Attempted to load class “Twig_Function” from the global namespace. Did you forget a “use” statement?

During the Pimcore update from older versions to the most recent 10.5 at this time I’ve got the following errpr:

Attempted to load class "Twig_Function" from the global namespace. Did you forget a "use" statement?

To fix it add the following use statement to your class:

use Twig\TwigFunction;

And replace all Twig_Function to TwigFunction in your php class file code.

Git: search commits by author

To search commits by the author you can use the following command:

# git log --author="Taras Shkodenko"

where Taras Shkodenko example author name.

To get the list of all authors in a current Git repository use the useful command below:

# git shortlog -sne --all