Best practices for managing .env files for multiple Laravel projects and multiple environments


Managing .env files across multiple Laravel projects and environments requires a well-structured approach to ensure security, consistency, and ease of use. Here are some best practices:

1. Environment-Specific Configuration Files

  • Use environment-specific .env files for each environment (development, staging, production):
  • .env.development
  • .env.staging
  • .env.production

In your deployment pipeline or server configuration, ensure the correct .env file is copied to the root as .env.


cp .env.production .env

2. Centralized Environment Configuration Management

  • Use a configuration management tool like Laravel Envoyer, Forge, Ansible, or Chef to manage and deploy environment variables securely and efficiently.
  • These tools allow you to manage .env files per environment, per project, without manual intervention.

3. Environment Variables in the Server Configuration

  • Move sensitive variables out of the .env file and directly into the server’s environment configuration. This helps with security and ensures that sensitive credentials are not part of the version control system.

    In NGINX or Apache, you can define variables directly, and Laravel will automatically pull them from the system environment:

    export DB_PASSWORD=supersecretpassword

4. Avoid Storing .env Files in Version Control

  • Add .env to .gitignore to prevent the .env files from being pushed to version control systems like Git. This reduces the risk of exposing sensitive data.

    You can create an example file (.env.example) that contains only placeholders for necessary variables:


5. Environment-Specific Configurations in Laravel

  • Laravel allows environment-based configuration in config files. Use this feature to make configurations more dynamic and reduce dependency on .env files.
  • For example, in config/database.php, you can configure it like:
     'default' => env('DB_CONNECTION', 'mysql'),

6. Use CI/CD for Automatic Deployment

  • Set up your CI/CD pipeline to automatically handle the copying or linking of .env files. This removes the need to manually switch between environments.
  • For example, with GitLab CI or Jenkins, you can have different jobs for different environments, and during deployment, it would link or copy the appropriate .env file.

7. Secure Backups and Versioning

  • Use encrypted backups and versioning for your .env files but store them securely (e.g., outside of the code repository). Tools like HashiCorp Vault or AWS Secrets Manager can help with encrypted storage of environment variables.

8. Dynamic .env Content Using Scripts

  • You can automate the creation or modification of .env files using deployment scripts. For example, you can create a script that fetches environment variables from a secure location (like AWS Secrets Manager) and generates the .env file during deployment.

    Example script:

    echo "APP_ENV=production" >> .env
    echo "DB_PASSWORD=$(aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id DB_PASSWORD)" >> .env

9. Environment Variables Validation

  • In your application bootstrapping, you can use a validation package like vlucas/phpdotenv to ensure that all required environment variables are present and valid.


    $dotenv = Dotenv\Dotenv::createImmutable(__DIR__);
    $dotenv->required(['DB_HOST', 'DB_DATABASE', 'DB_USERNAME', 'DB_PASSWORD']);

10. Use Docker or Kubernetes for Better Configuration Management

  • For large-scale applications, consider containerization tools like Docker or orchestration tools like Kubernetes. These tools allow for better management of environment variables as part of containerized applications.

    Example Docker configuration:

    version: '3.1'
       container_name: my-laravel-app
       image: my-laravel-image
         - .env.production


  • Environment-specific .env files for different environments.
  • Use CI/CD pipelines to manage .env files automatically.
  • Avoid committing .env files to version control.
  • Move sensitive variables to server environment settings.
  • Leverage Docker/Kubernetes for scalable management.
  • Ensure backup and encryption of environment files.

By following these practices, you can manage your .env files securely and efficiently across multiple Laravel projects and environments.