Linux FTP ProFtpd server configuration: enable display hidden files

I have been working with some Linux servers with Plesk control panel. By default ProFtpd FTP server is configured to not display hidden files.

To fix this edit ProFtpd main configuration file /etc/proftpd.conf add line below:
ListOptions “-a”
inside <Global> </Global> section.

Check ProFtpd configuration using command:

# proftpd -t6

Checking syntax of configuration file
Syntax check complete.

Restart service.

1. If your ProFTPD server installed as part of xinetd:

# /sbin/service xinetd restart

Stopping xinetd: [ OK ]
Starting xinetd: [ OK ]

2. If your ProFTPD server installed as standard Linux service:

# /sbin/service proftpd restart


# /etc/init.d proftpd restart